Good morning friends and family. I believe that we all can agree to the truth about ourselves. and that is that we are an awesome and powerful people.
1st pet: 2:9 says for you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood, a special people who are to show forth the praises of Him. who has called you out of darkness.
that's you! my sister, and my brother. that's it, and that ain't all. LOL! because in PS:139: 14. it says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

I have to thank God always, because I often slip into places where I forget that I am as such as God says I am. such as above only, and not beneath. LOL! the head and not the tail. see when we lose sight of who we are. we start looking like clowns. LOL! I say that because we start masquerading ourselves with the ways, and images of the world. wanting to look like them, talk like them and act like them. putting on cosmetics (make up). hiding behind success, sports, programs, any and everything that keeps us from dealing with the real you. only because we forgot who we are and who's we are.
my sister and brother we are you are sons and daughter of the most high. and God has the very best for you. in this life and the life to come. what you are going through right now, is only preparing you for where He's taking you.
let us spend the rest of this day. singing a song to the Lord like the one that says.
order my steps dear Lord in your word:
lead me and guide me everyday:
order my steps in your word.
may God bless you! and keep you. until next time.
yours truly. ur neighbor. Cyrus.