My Testimony of Faith coming out of the Gang lifestyle having a neighborhood full of homies that where willing to do anything for me including die for me supposedly came to a close when I was sentenced to 38yrs in prison. And I realize that my homies where only Constituents and Comrades not Confidants the lesson in three "C" category of friendship is....
1. Constituents are not into you rather, they are into what you are for in the end they will abandon you to hook up with another person who better serves their purpose or need.
2.Comrades in my case the Crips they again are not for you, nor are they for what you are for. They are just against what you are against for that season. They will team up with you,not so you can reach your destiny, but to fight a common enemy. Dont be hoodwinked or confused by their close connection. Because everyone that starts with you will not always finish with you.
3. Confidant on the other hand is the most important encounter you will have in relationships. They are the friends that love you unconditionally they are into you they have your back whether you're up or down locked up are free. You need a good confidant in order to reach your Destiny.
Having encountered a Confidant while on this journey of incarceration is why today I'm reaching for my destiny from behind the walls of prison with Filthy Rags Outreach the Church without walls on the wire.
In 2013 I received a letter from Thomas Halbrook a retired Engineer from Boeing asking to come and be a mentor to me Mr. Halbrook at that time was in his mid seventies and my only thought was how was we going to connect a retired engineer and a ex-gangmember but Loe and behold God had a plan he built a bridge from his heart to my heart in friendship.
Our first visit was October 20 2013 he shared with me his Life Proverbs of friendship which was.. Make a friend , Be a friend and Lead a friend to Christ and how friendship was constant and that there was no burden in friendship and from that day he promise to be my confidant for a lifetime until God called him home to glory July 17 2016 during that window of friendship Mr. Halbrook visited me consistently every Monday totaling a 106 visit.
He taught how to be a friend and not the homie the Loc or the Dogg and from the day of his passing I made a Vow to God to minister the Gospel of Friendship to Gang members Globally and tell them about Jesus being the friend that sticks closer than a brother and that there is no greater love than one that lay his life down for his friend because he no longer calls us his servants but his friend.He so loved the world his gave himself for men missing the mark in manhood..
I hope this lesson and testament will enlighten young and old men in the false realities of friendship in joining gangs by being loyal to a filthy rag made in China.
In Love and memory of Mr. Thomas Halbrook 1938-2016 My Friend and Life Coach in Living a Caged But Not Conquered lifestyle free on the Inside.
Mr. Alphonso Bell An Entrepreneurial of the Spirit 2020

Very powerful words Alonso that brought me to tears ,
to see the works of the enemy get shattered by the power of God. A true friend will deal with you in your trouble and not in your high times. In heaven your friend, is and heaven he awaits you, the connection and light he brought to those concrete walls touched right where it needed to a wonderful heart... be bless in the name of Jesus