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Scott Smith

Filthy Rags Ministry,

I knew things went terribly wrong when I was answering questions at the parole hearing, and they provided me with no opportunity to make a statement. My lawyer, Jon Zulauf, thought the hearing went well and expected I'd be released from prison in a few months. I seriously doubted his perspective, but I was subjective, so though I voiced my doubts of his positive vision, I reserved judgment and concomitant action. While I was present at the hearing I thought the parole board was clear: I was never going to be released. It is good to know my read on people, their words and actions are accurate. In fact, the monumental preparation for this hearing was to obtain a reduction in the less than 20 years I had left to complete. The official decision has been made and disseminated, The parole board gave me MORE time than I initially possessed. The parole board sentenced me to 125 years more years in prison for ten (10) years of impeccable conduct. Didn't see that coming. I would have done better by NOT attending the hearing. Five (5) years minimum until they consider me for a parole to my last life sentence of 120 years. I'll never be able to get to the last life sentence. I will need to petition the sentencing court for a sentence reduction. It is called a CrR 7.8 motion. Technical legal jargon mumbo jumbo with a writ of hocus pocus. My basis will be the recently decided Washington State Supreme Court case entitled, In re Monschke, Washington State Supreme Court #96772-5 (March 11, 2021). I have the momentum and the necessary documents which are fairly complete. I don't believe a 6164 petition, which is an invitation for the prosecutor to champion my case for a sentence reduction, as the prosecutor sent a letter against me at the parole hearing. Prior to the parole hearing my lawyer met with the prosecutor's office to determine their course of action. The prosecutor said there would be no involvement by his office. Evidently deception and duplicity by politicians.

I need some comfort food like chocolate. Chocolate never disappoints.

What do you think?

Yes, minimum of five (5) years on my current life sentence, and one-hundred and twenty (120) years on my next life sentence. Wow, before I went to the parole board I had a release date of 2039 with potential reductions. Now, due to my impeccable behavior for ten (10) years, 2039 is clearly out of the question.

Don't despair. The hatred and racism is real. Moments like this are the true blessings. It exposes the ugliness of hatred, retribution and racism which peeks out so everyone can see it. It is a blessing for it to be done to me so maybe some youth that follow me will know the truth, not the fictitious propaganda pumped into them by the government and the prison industrial complex.

Let us step back for a moment and examine the real situation. If the parole board would have returned a decision of paroling me to my next life sentence with five (5) years of drug treatment or some such thing, then after that five (5) years another hearing to determine if I am fit for release, everyone would have considered it a win. Except me. That would have been a loss to me, but you and others (citizens) would have comforted me with logic and reasonableness. Nobody would have be interested in helping me obtain a sentence reduction. Citizens supporting me would have praised the parole board for such a sage decision. People would NOT have understood that after five (5) years of drug treatment, or whatever, then the parole board would have found that another five (5) years is needed. Then another five (5) years. The theory of never releasing me would have been hidden from the eyes of many, their racism undiscovered, and their duplicity a shield from the truth. However, their boldness of what they did clearly demonstrates, to all, the true nature of their character. Their bold scandalous decision is the proof of their corruption. I don't need to say anything more about what they did to me, and what they have been doing to me. The struggle is real. And they are intentionally bold about their oppressive retribution. They are deliberate liars about rehabilitation, programming and maturation. Justice, liberty and forgiveness are punchlines for political jokes performed at a victim advocacy fund raising rally. Hopefully people will volunteer to help me due to the obvious travesty.

For many years I fought while face to face with the enemy before I realized the enemy was I. Now, I know I am no longer the enemy, and I see with clear eyes that they have become me, the enemy.

Suffering 40 years of oppressive Asian racism (half-Japanese of the Kikuchi clan) in the Washington state prison system, the only state in the USA named after a major slave owner, slave trader, slave hunter and slave killer, George Washington.

My co-defendant, who was the shooter, was white, and received less prison time than I. All the victims were white. The judge was white, the prosecutor was white, and my appointed defense counsel was white. Over 40 years ago, the tweleve (12) person jury did NOT reflect anyone of my peer group. I was the only non-white Asian half-breed in my entire case. After I came to prison, the government intentionally labelled me a white supremacist to deliberately create serious racial problems for me.

We can rest assured that there were non-white Asian half-breeds on the parole board.

I need advice on how to expose the racism safely without retaliation. Maybe there are websites or organizations with guidance in these matters ( The racist oppression is only getting worse. Your ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I love you, Sister. On to the next challenge.

Grace, mercy and peace.


Scott C. Smith

278891 H3-50

Stafford Creek Correction Center

191 Constantine Way

Aberdeen, WA



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